Clematis dr ruppel

I purchased a home with a Dr. The first Spring I was disappointed with the flower production on the Clematis. Ruppel growing on a trellis in the garden.

Zweifarbig verschönert sie den Garten mit ihrer unglaublichen Farbintensität. LITRE POT ‎: ‎Stock = £10.

A second flush appears in late summer, followed by pretty spherical seed heads that add garden interest well into the autumn. Wonderfully free flowering plants bloom in late . A great choice of Clematis for containers, pots or why not train to climb a fence or trellis. Deep pink with carmine bar. Availability: In stock.

Gorgeous deep pinky-mauve blooms have pale mauve margins and a rich cerise -pink . Purple flowering clematis.

Family Ranunculaceae. Genus Clematis can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs or herbaceous perennials, . It produces stunning blooms with colourful. Large pink flowers with deep red-pink stripe. Filaments white with cream-beige anthers. Occasional early flowers may be semi-double.

One of the best varieties among the striped. Very healthy variety and is hardy. No pruning necessary in spring.

Once new growth starts in spring, fcut out any obvious dead stems and then follow each stem back down to a pair of live buds and cut back to just . Its average texture blends into the landscape, but can be . This makes for an impressive display, so be sure to locate Dr. Plant Type ‎: ‎Deciduous perennial flowering vine Hardiness Zones ‎: ‎to Flower Color ‎: ‎Pink Common Name ‎: ‎Dr. АБВГДЕЖЗИКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЭЮЯ. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZ.

The petals have bold carmine-red central bars and yellow stamens.

Providing expert advice to gardeners throughout the UK. Shop thousands of products for your home and garden. Ihre Blüten leuchten karminrosa mit dunkleren Streifen. Hier erfahren Sie was es zur . They are produced freely throughout summer.

You will find it in the category clematis at the price of 23. Latin Name: Clematis Zone: 04-Sep Height: 8-ft.