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Bistorta officinalis

Bistorta_officinalis commons. Polygonum ampliusculum Gand. Free online dictionary in English, German, French, Spanish. This is a perennial. Unreviewed- Annotation score: Annotation score:out of 5.

The annotation score provides. Most of Europe (introduced in Nordic countries), Caucasus, Siberia. JensenPhotoGraphy, Zohaib Usman and 3more people faved this. At the base of the plant is a clump of . No ObservationsNo Observations. Flora of the Czech Republic, distribution map, plant traits.

Vegetation types, their description, maps and species composition.

Show All Show Tabs meadow bistort . Persicaria bistorta f. Introduced in Canada (Source List: NatureServe Canada). Kamachatka Brown Bear Photography by Sergey Gorshkov. Photo du film Terre des ours de Guillaume Vincent prise Sergey Gorshkov.

Deutscher Name: Wiesen-Knöterich. Pflanzengruppe: Stauden. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, . La bistorta medicinale è una specie a vasta distribuzione circumboreale, in Italia presente in tutte le regioni salvo che in Puglia, Sicilia e Sardegna. Lebensräume: Feuchtwiesen, Bruch- und Auenwälder, Frischhwiesen und -weiden, . Hand drawn botanical vector illustration.

Download a Free Preview or High . We have free resources for you. Pousse dans les prairies, landes, marécages, tourbières. Ormrot, ormslirekne, serpentina.

Der Boden sollte für den . Haut débit recommandé. Find the perfect bistorta officinalis stock photo. No need to register, . Information about cookies. Closed Up Photo of Violet Flower.

You will find information on this in the Privacy Policy. Common Names: bistort Citations: Salgues .