Aquapark Lagoon Letňany , Swimming in the Czech Republic – accommodation, trip planner, satellite map. Jun de 20- Lloga un espai especial a algú de Letňany , Praha 1 Praha 1 República Txeca des de €per nit. Troba allotjaments tan únics com els . Aquapark lagoon letnany – download this royalty free Stock Photo in seconds. No membership needed. Aquapark Aquacentrum Lagoon Praha Letňany : Kontakt, cenník, termálne, aquapark, plaváreň, ubytovanie pri vode, tatralandia, aquacity, thermalpark, . Letnany jsou klidná čtvrt , kousek od ubytovaní se nachází akvapark Letňany , Letňansky lesopark a velké obchodní centrum Letňany.

It is km from City of Prague, km from Václav Havel Airport and km from the exhibition grounds in Letňany. For visitors travelling in their own car, there are.