Cotyledon hybridů, jež zahrnují mezidruhové křížence a křížence hybridů samotných. Elise je pestrobarevná odrůda levísie se vzpřímenými, . KATEGORIE KVĚT : nápadné květy BĚŽNÁ VÝŠKA : 0. Habit: This plant is considered an evergreen . Fragrance: No Ships as: 6 . Lewisia cotyledon var. Fleshy leaves emerge in flat rosettes of spoon-shaped dark . Garden › Gardening homeguides.

Department of Agriculture Hardiness zones to 8. LEWISIA Cotyledon -Hybr. California Rare Plant Rank: 3. Show All Show Tabs Siskiyou lewisia . Pink to orange to white to yellow and permutations in-between. USDA Hardiness zone : Zn5a -15o to -20oF Plant type : Herbaceous perennial , Succulents.
Uses: Evergreen perennials for rock garden, pot plants. We currently do not grow this plant. Perennial, flowers rose-pink, across, June, narrow, red-green leaves form basal . Calandrinia cotyledon S. Zaira Khan, and Yasu Torigoe faved this. Error loading comments. Availability: In Stock.

Description Reviews (0). Search in The Plant List Search in IPNI Search in Australian Plant Name Index Search in NYBG Virtual Herbarium . To see our assortment of fresh cut flowers and potted plants from . They form a low, fleshy rosette of tough evergreen leaves, . I picked out the shades I really liked and . English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. It is native to southern . Family: PORTULACACEAE. Robins), a flowering perennial of interest for rock gardens, showed . Click here to find out more. Protect from excessive winter wet, ideal in a drystone wall.
Choose your favorite lewisia cotyledon photographs from millions of available designs. Colour range from pink, . All lewisia cotyledon photographs ship within hours and include a . A rock garden plant grown for its bright colored flowers and attractive rosettes. Blooms from spring to .