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Great white shark semena

SATIVA – INDICA THC: 14. Genetics Super Skunk x Brazilian x South Indian. Srovnejte ceny, přečtěte si recenze, najděte podobné produkty a příslušenství. Seedsman Shop Online.

Great White Shark , Priznanje: 1. Get Free seeds with every order.

Offering the best seeds. Semena konopí nabízena na portálu 5semen. Upozornění: firma Ganjaseeds prodává všechna semena pouze pro sběratelské účely.

GENETICSSuper Skunk x Brazilian x South Indian. Medicinally effective in pain therapy. Availability: Out-of-stock.

View all variations as list . Květy mívají bílou barvu a jsou hojně pokryté krystalky. Je vhodným modelem pro .

The winner of multiple Cannabis Cups, GWS is the potent cross between two legendary strains. The plant could grow best indoors, and the flowering time . Ve vůni se potkává bohatá škála květin a ovoce s typickým odérem White Shark. Chuť je ovocná po indice, se silným akcentem Widow a Skunku.

Cruzamos una legendaria variedad: Mazar i Sharif (conocida por su gran producción de resina) con la great white shark. La parte afghani aporta esta cantidad . Product price ‎: ‎$ 64. Secure, Discreet, Guaranteed . Providing quality seeds directly from Amsterdam, visit our website for finding more then 1different . Height: Short, branchy . Indoor i Outdoor Genetika: . Be the first to add a review. Plus, after only 9-weeks of fruiting, its feminized seeds share medium to heavy yields of relaxing buds.

Very strong body effect, stoned and long lasting. This sativa will make you feel happy and joyous, and in a lifted mood for the rest of the day. Check out this marijuana . Feminizované superseeds.

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The tree of this item can be made by mixing the following seeds. Buy female seeds online today.

Great white shark semena
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