
Aubrieta Kitte Blue. Of these are accepted species names. These varieties are geared to the requirements of growers and . With its darling little . Flower colour: Purple.

Foliage colour: Green.

Image not available for. Roll over image to zoom in. Excellent choice for a rock garden in sun or part shade, growing over rock walls, or in alpine troughs and other containers.

It is quite compact and slow growing. Masses of purple-blue-ish flowers. No spring garden should be without these spreading mats of vibrantly coloured blooms.

Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance. South-West Asia (mainly in Anatolia) and in South and . The new species is sympatric and .

Habitats ‎: ‎Amongst rocks, mainly in hilly areas Range ‎: ‎Europe – S. A rare, locally naturalised escape from cultivation. Formerly seen on a gravelly bank of river Vesdre in . GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Kingdom Plantae – Plants.

Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants. Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants. AUBRIETA gracilis Florado Rose Red – 9cm Pot. Leaves pinnatisect 39.

Pritzelago 49a, Petals yellow b. Inner sepals strongly pouched 25. Essentially a shade-loving plant, it grows best in good garden soil. Stock is increased by division. Sollte Ihnen einmal die Zeit fehlen persönlich bei uns vorbei zu schauen, dann können Sie Ihren. Viele verschiedene Arten und Sorten … Das schmeckt ja irre.

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